Now, Faith

"Now faith is..."

A ring
A dress
A couple holding hands, standing on a stage, facing an audience.

"...the substance of things hoped for..."

Was this all birthed out of
an inconvenient desire
for a very improper relationship
with a very proper man?

Is that the hope?

A new apartment
conveniently located
to trains and busses so I could get around easier

Was this birthed out of
an inconvenient desire
to go to a church
that I couldn't reach by foot?

Is that the substance?

And now, I find
A desire to travel miles for work

Is this being birthed out of the recent firings
At my present job?

"...the evidence of things unseen."

A new apartment.
A marriage
A future unfolding in ways I can't yet see.

Is this the evidence?
